Kick The Can Ice Cream
Celebrate National Ice Cream Month by making your own in a fun and unique way! Try this as an activity with family or friends. This is a great idea for a birthday party, too. (You'll need duct tape, one large can and one small can with lids--coffee cans work nicely.)
Makes 6-8 servings.
Prep time: 15 minutes "Kicking" time: 15 minutes Nutrition analysis per serving: 166 calories 2 g protein 12 g fat 14 g carbohydrate 60 mg calcium <1 g fiber
1 cup milk 1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. vanilla extract Two trays of ice Rock salt
1. CHILD STEP: Measure milk, cream, sugar and vanilla extract and pour each ingredient into the small sized can. PARENT STEP: Cover the can with lid and tape shut with duct tape. Tape the can again until tightly sealed. (Remember this can will be kicked!)
2. CHILD STEP: Shake the can to mix all the ingredients. PARENT STEP: Put a layer of ice and rock salt in the large can.
3. CHILD STEP: Place the small can into the large can. PARENT STEP: Layer with more ice and rock salt. Cover can and tape very well.
4. CHILD/PARENT STEP: Kick or roll the can, back and forth, for about 10 minutes.
5. CHILD STEP: Remove the small can. PARENT STEP: Scrape ice cream away from the side of the can.
6. CHILD STEP: Put the small can back into the large can. PARENT STEP: Layer with more ice and rock salt. Retape and seal tightly (use extra tape as the original tape will be wet.)
7. CHILD/PARENT STEP: Kick or roll the can, back and forth, for about 5 minutes. Stir. Serve. Enjoy!